Tellurium (software)

The Tellurium Automated Testing Framework is a UI module-based web automated testing framework. is a portable software testing framework for web applications that runs on top of Selenium. Tellurium tests are written in Groovy and pure DSL scripts. Tellurium supports both TestNG and JUnit unit testing frameworks.

Tellurium is an open source project licensed under Apache License 2. It is hosted on Google Code. It was created by Georgia Institute of Technology Ph.D. graduate Jian Fang, whose degree is in Electrical and Computer Engineering.[1]


Tellurium Core

Tellurium Core is the flagship project of the tellurium team. Tellurium runs on top of Selenium to provide the following features not found in the selenium project:

  • UI module based tests
  • Object to Locator Mapping (OLM)
  • Composite Locators
  • Domain Specific Language for UI module definition
  • Uses Groovy - a powerful dynamic language built on top of java
  • Data driven testing

UI modules are the backbone of any Tellurium test. A UI module is used to define the html found on the page you are testing, but unlike selenium which uses xpath and css to define these elements, Tellurium uses a DSL which allows you not only to define the elements on the page, but also their relationships to each other.

Tellurium tests can be written in either java or groovy. You have a choice of using either TestNG or JUnit as the testing container. Writing a selenium test starts with writing the UI Module DSL, which can be either done by hand, or using Tellurium's firefox plugin Trump.

The Santa Algorithm[2] in Tellurium 0.7.0 and higher improves the test robustness by locating the whole user interface module at the run-time DOM. The UI module group locating basic flow is illustrated in the following diagram in the link.[3] The Algorithm is named Santa because most of the design and coding work were completed during the Christmas season in 2009. Previously, up to Tellurium 0.6.0, it was required that Tellurium Core to generate run-time locators based on the UI module definition and then pass Selenium commands to the Selenium core to locate each individual UI element. This procedure can be illustrated by the following diagram.[4]

Tellurium UI Model Plugin

Tellurium UI Model Plugin, or Trump is a Firefox plugin to automatically create UI modules for users. Using Trump, you can click on elements of the page, and then generate the UI Module DSL.[5] You also have the ability to save the resulting DSL to a groovy class, ready to be used by your tests.

Testing approaches

Most existing web testing frameworks primarily focus on individual UI elements such as links and buttons. Tellurium takes a new approach to automated web-testing through the concept of the UI module. Objects are used to encapsulate web UI elements so that manually generalizing and refactoring of the UI locators is not required. The UI module is simply a composite UI object consisting of nested basic UI objects. The adoption of the UI module makes Tellurium expressive and easy to understand in the context of tests.[6]

The framework runs in two modes. The first mode is to work as a wrapper to the Selenium framework. That is to say, the Tellurium core generates the runtime locator based on the UI object's attributes in a UI module. The generated runtime locator is then passed in the Selenium call to the Selenium core with Tellurium extensions.[7]

See also


External links